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ITeG Lectures 2020/2021: Digital Society - a Design Challenge

Das Wissenschaftliche Zentrum für Informationstechnik-Gestaltung (ITeG) der Universität Kassel veranstaltet in Kooperation mit der Gesellschaft für Informatik auch im kommenden Wintersemester wieder die Vorlesungsreihe "Digitale Gesellschaft - Eine Gestaltungsaufgabe". In diesem Jahr finden die Vorträge online statt (über Zoom), in der Regel mittwochs um 17 Uhr. (Ausnahme 27. Januar, 18 Uhr). Das online-Format gibt uns auch die Möglichkeit, Gastvortragende und Zuhörende aus der ganzen Welt zu erreichen. Die Reihe wird daher in diesem Jahr auch durchgehend in englischer Sprache veranstaltet.

Digital Society - a Design Challenge
The evolving digital society and the various facets of its development and design possibilities will be discussed in this series of lectures. Computing and digitalization are already deeply implicated in our society. We should be aware of the involved opportunities and risks. For example, artificial intelligence can help us to improve the way we live, work or deal with unforeseen challenges. At the same time, we are more and more dependent on algorithms that can also produce unfair biased decisions. With the help of big data, we can improve the way how citizens and government engage towards direct democracy and at the same time … democracy is put at risk.

The series comprises five lectures. The international speakers have backgrounds of various fields like computer science or social and human sciences or integrative approaches. The kick-off event this year is about a highly topical subject… 

11.11.2020 , 17:00 CET
Prof. Dr. Antonio Fernández Anta from IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid will present on
"CoronaSurveys: Using Indirect Reporting to Estimate the Incidence of Epidemics".

For more details on his presentation about an innovative method for measuring the incidence of the Corona pandemic in Spain in mid-March
and for the Zoom-Meeting-Link please see our website: www.uni-kassel.de/go/iteg-lectures .

The series will continue with the following guest lectures:

02.12.2020   Neema Iyer / Founder, Executive Director POLLICY:  „Creating an (Afro)Feminist Internet.“
27.01.2021   Prof. Dr. Dirk Helbing / ETH Zurich: „Digital revolution: danger and opportunities for democracy“
10.02.2021   Prof. Michael Bernstein, Ph. D. / Stanford University: „Computation and Organization: The Future of Work and Workers“
03.03.2021   Prof. Dr. Georg Krogh / ETH Zurich:  "AI in Organizations"